Saturday, August 21, 2021

Troubleshooting HPLC Gradient Valve / Proportioning Valve / MCGV GPV Leaks. How to Identify Them.

HPLC pumps which utilize low-pressure mixing VALVES are known by names such as: "Ternary" (3-solvents) or "Quaternary" (4-solvents) pumps.These types of HPLC pump configurations use a single, high-pressure pump head coupled to a multi-port / proportioning valve and represent some of the most popular and versatile pump configurations offered. Featuring random access to multiple solvent bottles (more than two is always better), lower operating costs and less maintenance work provides you with one of the best platforms to develop new methods on. I highly recommend them for most, but not all, HPLC applications (vs. Dual pump, high-pressure "Binary Pumps").

  • If your HPLC system utilizes a single, high-pressure pump head coupled to a multi-port valve, then please remember that in addition to pump head maintenance, regular maintenance of the multi-port / proportioning valve is also required.

A few weeks ago I was hired by well known Pharma company to solve a gradient method problem that I was told has stumped their best scientists for almost one year. The client presented me with their validated UHPLC method which suddenly developed a shift in retention time of all peaks. The shift was significant, about 10% of the previous values over a 20 minute run, and had been observed on two different, but similarly configured HPLC systems in their lab. Changing the column to a new one showed no change on either HPLC system. They were out of ideas.

  • Before I reveal the cause of the trouble, let us briefly think about what types of changes can result in a small, repeatable shifts of peak retention times. Four common ones that come to mind are: 

(1) Flow Rate changes;

(2) Column Temperature changes;

(3) Column Fouling;

(4) Mobile phase composition changes. 

Start the troubleshooting by ruling out the easy causes first (#1, 2 and 3 above).  

  • (1) Flow Rate: When the actual flow rate is in question, start by measuring it manually Never trust the instrument's display screen value or the software's value for flow rate. Measure it. An easy way to measure the flow rate involves timing the amount of liquid that exits the HPLC detector line after a defined period of time. For example: If your flow rate is set at 1.000 ml/minute, then using water, measure the time it takes to fill a 10mL graduated cylinder to the 5 mL line. It must take exactly 5.00 minutes (= 1.00 mL/min). Run this flow test on each pump channel.
  • (2) Temperature: The HPLC method should be run under controlled column temperature conditions. Verify this. Retention times are a function of temperature (i.e. cooler temps usually result in longer retention times, warmer = shorter). The temperature should be stable (~ 1 or 2 degrees C).
  • (3) Column Fouling: To prevent fouling, wash the HPLC column with a solution that is STRONGER than the mobile phase after each analysis. Use fresh, clean solutions. Verify that the samples are dissolved in the mobile phase (100% dissolved) and filtered before injection. Verify that the injection volume is less than ~3% of the column volume and the concentration of the sample is not too high (avoid saturating or overloading the column). Solubility is very important for both the sample and any additives used in the mobile phase (to prevent precipitation). Anything that "fouls" the column support will directly effect the retention times and often the peak shape too. Be aware of these causes and take action to avoid them.  *Replacing a suspect column with a new one is often an inexpensive way of troubleshooting a "peak" problem. Always have a NEW spare column on hand for testing. *Columns are consumable items.
  • (4) Mobile Phase: Changes to the actual amounts of additives, pH or final composition of the mobile phase may impact peak retention times (sometimes, the peak shape too). After all, the final composition used was developed for the purpose of establishing a reliable and reproducible method of analysis. It must be controlled. We must take steps to insure the mobile phase preparation and delivery are accurate. Always prepare fresh solutions each day (esp. all aqueous solutions!). pH values may change after a few days (e.g. even in MeOH / acidic solutions), bacteria/mold/algae grow quickly in many solutions, even in the refrigerator, so only prepare what you need for the day. Evaporation of more volatile solvents (in pre-mixed solutions) can change their actual concentration (always protect them from heat and evaporation).
*There is another way that the mobile phase composition can change which often goes unseen. It can change during delivery to the column. The HPLC's low pressure proportioning valve that allows us to easily select and use different solvents can develop small internal leaks, resulting in valve cross-flow leakage. This cross-flow leakage allows liquid (or air, if the line is not connected) to be drawn out of one channel and into another, changing the actual mobile phase composition. This happens because the valve seals, esp if they have been left unused for a long time, can change shape (e.g. shrink) and begin to leak over time. Often the amount of leakage is very small (ul/min), but depending on the method, a small change may result in a significant change to the chromatography.

I reviewed the client's method parameters and concluded that the method met good chromatography fundamentals. Checking the flow rate (using a graduated cylinder) confirmed the flow rate was accurately shown. A review of their mobile phase preparation procedures and methods also appeared OK. Degassing of mobile phase and column temperature were also satisfactory. 
As I looked more closely at the two running HPLC instruments they used, I began to quickly zero in on the most likely problem. 
  • A long stream of air bubbles were observed exiting the HPLC pump's gradient valve leading into the high pressure pump head, but no air bubbles were seen exiting the degasser's outlet line (IOW: The vacuum degasser may or may not be the cause, though it is critical to insure the degasser is clean and fully serviced before use. Have the degasser professionally serviced first before proceeding with troubleshooting. Using a damaged degasser will make it difficult to use the pump or run any valid tests as degassed solution is needed). This was observed on several of their HPLC systems, including the two used for this method. The fittings connecting the lines from the degasser module to the valve were correctly connected (as a loose connection would cause air to leak in and must be quickly ruled out). 
The cause was from one or more of the unused gradient valve positions leaking air into the flow path, changing the mobile phase composition. Of four possible mobile phase lines available (A,B,C,D), the client only had two lines connected to mobile phase bottles (A,B) with the remaining two lines left open to the air. The internal valve seals in the unused 'C' and 'D' valve positions had deformed, shrinking in size, sticking,leaking, allowing air to flow into the mobile phase on one of the channels. This resulted in a change of the organic composition % used in the method (due to a cross-flow leak), changing the peak retention times (as the actual mobile phase composition used in their gradient was different). I directed the HPLC pump's outlet line to waste, placed all of the solvent pickup bottle lines (A,B,C,D) in a beaker filled with IPA and allowed the pump to run pure IPA at 1 mL/min across each channel, one-at-a-time (100%), for ~ 20 minutes to re-hydrate the internal gradient valve seals. This was repeated with each valve position, then all of the lines were placed in fresh mobile phase solution, primed and flushed. The system was restarted and the method now ran showing the expected peak retention times. Instructions were provided which included regularly using all of the channels and valve positions plus flushing weekly to maintain valve operation. Use ALL of the lines and flush the valve(s) through all positions, one-at-a-time, on a regular basis. If prolonged flushing with pure IPA does not fix the leak, then it is time to replace the valve. All valves eventually wear out and must be included in maintenance inspections and checks. This is especially true when you purchase your HPLC system at an auction or from an 'equipment' reseller. Never assume that the 10+ year old HPLC valve is OK. Test it first (e.g. Acetone tracer test).
Acetone Tracer Test: If you suspect that a cross-flow leak exists on a gradient valve, then one method I use to check for leakage is to mix up a "Tracer" solution of pure organic (often ACN) that has 1% Acetone mixed in (for RP methods). Remove the column and replace with a restriction capillary. Place the tracer solution on the valve position you suspect may be leaking at an appropriate flow rate and set it for 0%. Run one of the other channels with 100% (pure ACN in this example) and monitor the UV (265nm) for the presence of acetone. If the acetone leaks into the channel you are using, it will be easy to observe on the UV trace. So called "bubble" tests (introducing and monitoring the position of a gas bubble into the low pressure solvent line) are not reliable leak detection methods for small leaks. Use a tracer such as acetone to find the leaking channel(s). You can read more about these types of Valve Leakage tests in this article (Click Here).


  1. Update:I received a few questions asking about how to check for leaks if the unused Bottle lines ARE connected to bottles containing liquid? When the unused mobile phase lines are connected to bottles containing LIQUID, no air bubbles should be seen in the line exiting the gradient valve (to the pump head). Instead, if one or more of the valve positions is leaking, then the lines would be delivering "unaccounted for", or different mobile phase from those bottle(s) to the pump, changing the overall mobile phase composition. To diagnose this issue on a valve channel, run the acetone test I suggested earlier OR plug the unused valve port (inlet) of the valve with a true "Dead End" plug sealing it. The plug will prevent any mobile phase from leaking into the flow path. Re-running the gradient with the unused port plugged should result in 'normal' chromatography once again.

  2. Wonderful information.
    What motivated the choice of isopropyl alcohol to restore the integrity of the internal gradient valve seals (the ones that had dried up and shrunk in size)? Would water or methanol have served that purpose also?

    1. Methanol and water are too polar to be useful in this application.
      A more non-polar solvent such as IPA has the right balance of properties to clean and reform for the seal material used in the valve.


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