Saturday, July 22, 2023

HPLC Injection Volume: What Should I Dilute It In and How Much Sample Can I Inject?

HPLC Injection Volume and Solution Tips: For best results, the choice of injection solution and amount must be carefully selected. Successful HPLC & LC-MS methods shall observe good chromatography fundamentals. 

  • How much sample can I inject on my column? The HPLC injection volume must be carefully selected to avoid overloading the column and also maintain good quality peak shape (Good peak shapes, Gaussian are ideal, are preferred for accurate integration and quantitation). Too large an injection volume and the peak shape may be broad and result in co-elution, column fouling and/or poor reproducibility. Too low an injection volume may lead to no-detection, poor reproducibility and/or inaccurate integration. Choose an appropriate Injection Volume (and concentration) that is appropriate for the COLUMN and Method used (their is no universal answer as they depend on YOUR column and method). Start, by learning what your HPLC column's "dead" volume is (Determining the HPLC Column Volume Link here).  As a general guideline, keep the volume low and inject no more than ~ 1% of the column's dead volume (maximum for most columns is ~ 1 to 2 %, but if the peak shape is excellent, sometimes up to 3% is possible). The actual capacity will be different for different column support types, dimensions etc, so it is best not to guess. Use a volume that is within the injector's most accurate range (for most auto-injector's, the optimal range may be found away from the extreme limits, often between 20% and 80% of capacity, but please refer to the documentation for your injector for specifics). Once an acceptable volume has been identified, then you can vary the concentration to find the best sample load for your analysis conditions.
    • NOTE: To find the true and correct answer to "How Much Can I Inject (Load) onto my column" requires that you conduct a 'Loading Study' [To run a loading study you will prepare a batch of samples of increasing concentrations levels which can be individually injected, then evaluated on YOUR column, using YOUR method. This is how we determine the MAXIMUM amount possible which can be loaded and still provide good quality results. All other methods are just estimates.
  • What should I dilute my sample in? Dilute samples using the mobile phase solution (in the case of gradient compositions, use the "initial" mixture to avoid precipitation). Your sample(s) should be FULLY dissolved in the mobile phase and not in a solution that is chemically incompatible with the flow path or is "stronger" in elution strength than the initial mobile phase. The diluent should not interfere with the analysis or loading of the sample onto the column. Example: If your method is 100% aqueous, then do not inject the sample(s) in a solution that contains organic solvent (i.e. ACN). *Peak fronting, splitting, precipitation and/or distortion (broad shapes) may result from using a diluent that is stronger than the mobile phase.
  • My sample solution is cloudy or has "stuff" floating in it. ONLY Inject sample solutions which are 100% fully dissolved, in-solution. Injecting samples which have precipitated out of the solution OR which are not fully dissolved in solution (100%) may result in line obstruction, clogging, column fouling and invalid data collection/results. Take the time to find a mobile phase that your sample fully dissolves in to avoid problems. Troubleshooting and repairing an HPLC system for clogs and/or column contamination is both time consuming and expensive.
  • Filter sample solutions to prevent clogs and reduce column fouling. Make sure the sample is first fully dissolved in the solution and do not use a 'filtering' step as a cheat to remove undissolved sample. Filtering is used to protect the system from particles that we can not easily observe which may clog the system. Please refer to the article; "Syringe Filter Selection for HPLC or LC/MS samples"; for more information on filter selection.
  • Improve Injector reproducibility: Leave the vial cap slightly loose so it does not make a full seal. *This prevents a vacuum forming inside the vial, resulting in injection volumes which may be lower than the selected volume. "Loose caps" can greatly improve accuracy and reproducibility when larger OR multiple volumes are injected from the same vial. Additionally, if the total sample vial volume is very small (i.e. ~ 200 ul), utilize a vial insert of the correct dimensions and type for improved accuracy. When using vial inserts, check that the needle height is correct for the vial insert used.  Do not use the entire sample volume! Never use more than 90% of the vial volume or air may be aspirated resulting in invalid data collection.
  • Prevent sample carryover problems by regularly inspecting and servicing your HPLC injector (Manual valve and Autoinjector maintenance tips will be found at this LINK). Replace common wear parts such as rotary valve seals and needle seats on a regular basis (Do not "clean" and re-use seals). Carryover troubleshooting Tips will be found at this LINK.
  •  Calibration Volumes for Quantitation: When creating a new calibration table for a group of standards, use the SAME VOLUME for each standard and vary the concentration ("calibration level") only with each vial. As we have seen, injection volume is a variable which may change peak shape and integration accuracy. If you inject the same volume of liquid for all standards (and samples too), then you remove this variable. Using the SAME injection volume for all standards and samples helps to reduce problems. *Note: Thought it may not be approved, if you thoroughly test varying the injection volume across the range used for the calibration to demonstrate no undesirable changes to peak shape, loss of resolution/separation, and it is reproducible and accurate for the analysis method, then you can vary injection volume. Link to: HPLC Calibration Article.


Please note that these are general guidelines only and the mode of chromatography (e.g. NP/RP/HILIC/SEC), scale (prep vs. analytical) and/or specific method used must be optimized for best results. Follow these basic guidelines to prevent analysis problems, prolong column and system lifetimes and increase reproducibility and accuracy.